The Older Adult Experience Survey (OAES) is a measure to better understand the experience of older adults accessing specialized geriatric services. This open access survey is designed for specialized geriatric services appointment-based programs/clinics and is copyright protected. It was developed collaboratively by members of the provincial Performance Measurement Committee.
The Older Adult Experience Survey is designed for use with patients/clients who are typically over the age of 65 with complex, co-morbid, age related conditions who have accessed appointment-based specialized geriatric services. The OAES should be downloaded with the Implementation Guide (see related resources).
Gilsenan R, Schwartz R, Gutmanis IA, et al. Collaborative Development of an Older Adult Experience Survey for Specialized Geriatric Services. Can Geriatr J. 2021;24(2):96-110. Published 2021 Jun 1. doi:10.5770/cgj.24.487 Link