Specialized and Focused Geriatric Services Asset Inventory

Provincial Initiative

The Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Ontario  (PGLO) has been asked by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to facilitate capacity planning of health services for older adult living with complex health concerns. This includes specialized based services, called Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS) and new, emerging services focused on older adults, such as those in development by Ontario Health Teams (OHTs).

Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS) are defined as a comprehensive, coordinated system of health services that assess, diagnose, and treat older adults living with complex health concerns. These services are provided across the continuum of care by interdisciplinary teams with expertise in care of older adults. SGS is inclusive of Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Seniors Mental Health, Care of the Elderly Primary Care and Interprofessional Geriatric services.

Population Health Focused Programs (Older Adults) are programs and services developed by Ontario Health Teams, Primary Care and others specifically to address the needs of older adults living with complex and chronic health conditions and their caregivers.

The Asset Mapping initiative includes identifying, data collection and mapping of the various programs, services and human resources that are delivering specialty and focused health care services to the older adult population across Ontario.

The PGLO, which is a resource serving the broad clinical field of geriatrics, carries out this work in collaboration with SGS programs and services  and OHTs on the condition that information collected can be vetted, shared and available to any contributors so that planning happens in concert with front line clinicians.

This work contributes to the planning, design and delivery of sufficient and appropriate services to meet the needs of older people living with complex health concerns in Ontario.

See related resources for current reports.

For Data Contributors Only: To access the Asset Mapping Data Entry Portal see link in related resources.