On February 21, 2024, Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Ontario and the Behavioural Supports Ontario Provincial Coordinating Office (BSO PCO) convened partners from across Ontario to co-design an answer to the important question of “how to design the health and social care system we all want to age in?” Participants were charged with the task of envisioning such a system and starting to draft the road map to move Ontario’s health and social care system in this direction.
The event produced two reports:
Aging Care in Ontario Summit Final Report – which compiles the collective wisdom of participants into an actionable road map
Compendium of Innovation Posters – which compiles 40 examples of innovative programs already in place in Ontario that are making a difference in the care of older adults.
Program organizers urge colleagues to carry forward the momentum generated from this Summit, and incorporate actions into personal and organizational operational plans. PGLO looks forward to working together with partners across Ontario to make our vision of a provincial health and social care system in service of and co-designed with older adults and care partners a reality.