The Cognitive Screening Toolkit was co-edited by Dr. Frank Molnar (RGPEO) and colleagues from the American Geriatric Society and written by colleagues from Ontario’s Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS), Dr. Sophiya Benjamin (PGLO), Melanie Briscoe (OT Reg. ON) (NESGC), Dr. Sabeen Ehsan (Seniors Care Network), and Stacey Hawkins (Seniors Care Network). The Toolkit can serve as a resource for clinicians to better understand cognitive screening tools, which have been validated in Primary Care settings and are available for free. This toolkit can help in selecting the appropriate cognitive screening tool to use with primary care patients.
The Toolkit was published by the American Geriatric Society and is available here (free registration required).
The AGS has also added the toolkit as a free feature in the iGeriatrics app (links available for Apple and Android). Anyone with the app downloaded will have access to the toolkit.
The Toolkit complements the July 2020 publication of the Journal of the American Geriatric Society One size does not fit all: Choosing practical cognitive screening tools for your practice, also by Ontario SGS colleagues, Dr. Frank Molnar (RGPEO), Dr. Sophiya Benjamin, Stacey Hawkins, Melanie Briscoe and Dr. Sabeen Ehsan.