January 2025

Summary – delete

This module has provided you with some information about setting activity goals that match a person’s mobility level. You have also reviewed some strategies to add activity into each day. Now, you can develop your own mobility strategies to support the person you care for, and find the supports you need.

Activity 3.6

Talk with Others

Discuss with the group: Share any new strategies that you will try as a result of what you’ve learned in this module. Feel free to pose questions to other caregivers regarding tips and tricks that they have used to encourage a person living with frailty to stay active.What’s Next?

As you know, staying active can increase a person’s quality of life and is closely linked to nutrition and bladder health. As you move into the next module, which explores ‘ins and outs’, you are encouraged to remember how the topics throughout the course are linked, and reflect on how your recent learning fits into a coherent plan for your caregiving overall.

 Activity 3.7

Module Feedback

Complete the Module 3 Survey.


Capezuti, E., Zwicker, D., Mezet, M., and Fulmer, T. (2008). Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice: Third edition. New York, New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Closing the Gap Healthcare Group (2018). How to prevent falls: A complete falls prevention guide for seniors and caregivers. Retrieved from: https://www.closingthegap.ca/guides/how-to-prevent-falls-a-complete-fall-prevention-guide-for-seniors-and-caregivers/

Evans, M. (2011). 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health? Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo

Kortebein et al. (2008). Functional impact of 10 days of bed rest in healthy older adults. Journal of Gerontology63A(10), 1076-81.

Liu, B., Straus, S., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Moore, J., Khan, S., and Harris, C. The MOVE program. © 2015 MOVE Canada. Retrieved from: http://www.movescanada.ca and https://www.rgptoronto.ca/resources/

RGP of Toronto. (2018). SF7 Toolkit, Retrieved from https://www.rgptoronto.ca/resources/